

WHEN:  23 March 2025

WHERE:  67 Birriwa Rd, Bywong
(the Les Reardon Reserve)

TIME:  Sales from 0900 – 1200 noon

Note:  Sellers must arrive from 0700 to 0845, and depart after 1200 (no early departure for the safety of all). NO FOOD stalls.

Come and enjoy Bywong’s Annual Car Boot Sale, with many stalls selling ‘must-have’ items!

Entry is free but a gold coin donation would be appreciated for Buyers – OR why not clean out the house, pay $25 for a site and make money as a Seller?


⇒ Search for toys, books and treasures on sale.

⇒ Come one, come all!, see what’s on offer… and maybe snag a treasure.

Grab a coffee, relax with tea and cakes inside our Hall or enjoy a snack from the BBQ.

⇒ FLYBall, Pony Club will be doing Demonstrations

⇒ Landcare, WildCare and the Greenways groups will be providing information.


Proceeds from the Car Boot Sale are used by the Bywong Community Association for local projects and events.

See you there!